GenomeView 1.6.2 released

Version 1.6.2 of GenomeView has been released. This version fixes a number of bugs and has some new features, as usual.

New features

  • Undo redo functionality has been improved
  • In syntheny mode the gene names are displayed
  • When relations are known, they are displayed with a highlight

GenomeView 1.6.1 released

Version 1.6.1 of GenomeView has been released. GenomeView 1.6.1 fixes a number of bugs and has some new features.

Some highlights

  • DNA and protein sequences on the negative strand are now also correctly exported
  • You can undo and redo changes
  • You can now also add new notes to features
  • Modules are grouped in a single menu and don't try to update each time you load a sequence
  • GV recognizes the /color attribute and will color a feature accordingly, this option can be turned off in the preferences.

GenomeView 1.6.0 released

Version 1.6 of GenomeView has been placed online.

GenomeView requires Java 1.6+ to work.

GenomeView 1.6 fixes a number of bugs and has some cool new features.

Some highlights:

  • DNA and protein sequences from a CDS can be blasted at NCBI
  • Features can be created, deleted, edited, split and merged.
  • Plugins for prediction and additional evidence software.
  • Editing of notes with a features
  • Saving and loading of EMBL files is now less error-prone

Features requests and bug reports can always welcome.

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