GenomeView 1.6.5 released

GenomeView 1.6.5 brings a number of bug fixes and some new features


  • Visibility of the 3 panels can be set from the command line on start-up
  • A configuration file can be specified on the command line, this configuration will override the default and user configuration
  • Double clicking a feature centers the view on that feature
  • By default all evidence tracks are visible and expanded
  • You can use mouse wheel to zoom in and out in the evidence and structure panel
  • You can use the mouse to navigate in the evidence panel
  • The structure panel moves when you try to select something outside the visible area
  • It is now possible to remove a single location from a feature

Bug fixes

  • Internal stop codons are now correctly identified
  • Splice site checking works correctly
  • Improved rendering speed of the evidence panel